showing 3 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
Saints Row  THQ (Volition)2006Saints Row - Sinners Welcome to Stilwater
An open world city with attitude, a city controlled by rival gangs, a city YOU are about to take over.
* Make money any way you canThe options are endless; from theft & insurance fraud to street racing & pimping!
* Customization = Style = RespectWith your hard earned cash build the respect you need to take over territories from rival gangs.
* Key to the cityGo wherever & do whatever you want, but bring chaos, death & destruction to the streets of Stilwater & the city will fight back!
* Take the fight onlineRecruit friends & challenge other gangs online through Xbox Live!***Welcome to Stilwater, a city where the streets are everything but tranquil. Divided by rivaling gangs, you'll need to adopt savvy street smarts to build respect, make money and gain notoriety, let alone stay alive. As a member of the 3rd St. Saint's, you need to push back against a city looking to wipe you out, in order to rise up the ranks and eventually control the streets. If it takes theft, extortion or tried and true brute force, then that's what ya gotta do. Only then will you rule the streets. BUT watch your back – on your purpose to rise as the city's controlling syndicate, reputable and powerful gangs, including politicians have you in their crosshairs.
Saints Row 2 THQ (Volition)2008 labelminimizeminimize
Saints Row: The Third  THQ (Volition)2011 labelimageminimize